ON – Trainer Participant Submission

"*" indicates required fields

  • Submit within 30 days after the event/activity date.

  • This form is used for adult member module trainings (including Ontario specific trainings). First Aid, or ORCKA type trainings are submitted along with a copy of the certification to the Unit Administrator for entry.

Trainer Name*
Event Planner Name
(if different from Trainer)
(Trainers email is recommended):
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(if possible):
Please select the community number that the majority of participants are a part of.
Training Modules:

Please select the modules provided during this training. Participants' iMIS profiles are updated according to what you have selected. If you have having difficulty seeing the tick boxes and selecting the correct module for your training, please contact the event department for further assistance (1-877-323-4545 ext. 2487 or 2485).

If you have conducted a New Guider Training, please ensure that you select the appropriate modules (Building Unit Guider Skills, All About Your Branch, Safe Guide etc.)

If you have participants that did not partake in all modules, you may need to submit multiple online forms. Alternatively, you can attach a file that outlines which training each participant has completed.

Training Modules:
Were Pins issued?

Participant list:

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 8 MB.

    If you do not have a list to upload, please complete the fields below:

    Participant 1
    Participant 2
    Participant 3
    Participant 4
    Participant 5
    Participant 6
    Participant 7
    Participant 8
    Participant 9
    Participant 10
    Participant 11
    Participant 12
    Participant 13
    Participant 14
    Participant 15
    Participant 16
    Participant 17
    Participant 18
    Participant 19